Code with Ken

I build things using code.

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About Me

My name is Kenneth Yu. I am a software engineer with an emphasis on web technologies. When put amongst a motivated team, I passionately build from dusk until dawn.

My needs: coffee, mentorship, culture, and ping pong

My Specialties


I take pride in the code that I write and have written a multitude of Ruby applications that solve complex algorithmic problems. I constantly strive to write high quality, object-oriented code.

Ruby on Rails

I am experienced in full-stack Ruby on Rails development; I have created everything ranging from models, migrations, views, partials, routes, and controllers.


I thoroughly enjoy creating custom interfaces by leveraging Javascript's ability to manipulate the DOM. Javascript makes me feel like a wizard! I am currently delving deeper into Backbone.js and Node.js

Lets collaborate!


Conway's Game of Javascript Life

My implementation of the classic coding challenge, Conway's Game of Life! For those of you unfamiliar with the rules associated, I recommend watching the following video.

All about that javascript life. Thus, I embarked to tackle the challenge in javascript.


BootieTracker is a mapping of DBC alumni; it was created to enable DBC students and alumni to easily see who is within their vicinity and get in contact with each other.

We created this application at the Dev Bootcamp Alumni Holiday Hackathon and won the Golden Boot Award - for best product that improves Socrates. This project was completed in one day, by our four person team: using Ruby on Rails, Javascript, jQuery, AJAX, and many many APIs.

CodeWithNyan is an embedded, domain-specific language we created that teaches kids fundamental programming concepts like pattern recognition, method chaining, and looping: inspired by the classic Turtle Logo.

Kids type commands into the command line and immediately see the results drawn on the canvas.This project was completed in 7 days, by our three person team - using JavaScript, AJAX, HTML5, CSS3, and Imgur API.


ImNotYourType is a fun type racer built using Sinatra and Javascript. The boy says cheesy pick up lines and the girl runs away as you type.

WPM, time-elapsed, and accuracy are calculated. Made after only two weeks of javascript knowledge. Come Play!

Minesweeper JS

I created a Minesweeper implementation. This is a mobile optimized project so try it out of your phone/tablet. Future releases will include being able to flag bombs. Hope you enjoy! :)

This project was built using Javascript, jQuery, HTML5, and CSS3.


Tech2Me allows users to post up technical interview questions that can be answered by other members of the community: inspired by StackOverflow.

Tech2Me was built using Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, AJAX, jQuery, Rspec, and Capybara.

The best way to contact me is via email.

Email Me! See Skills! Hobbies

Technical Skills


* Ruby

* Javascript


* CSS3


* Ruby on Rails

* Backbone.js

* Node.js

* Bootstrap

Relevant Skills


* Git

* jQuery


* Agile Development

* Object Oriented Programming


* Firebase

* PostgreSQL

* Sqlite3

Test Driven Development

* Capybara Testing

* Jasmine Testing

* RSpec Testing


* Gaming

* Audiobooks

* Racket Sports

* Jiu Jitsu

* Coffee

* Board Games

* Beer

* Comedy

* Hackathons

* Coding from Dusk til Dawn

Contact Me / Learn More

Copyright © Kenneth Yu 2013